A couple detail shots to start off with....

The bride and her sister getting all dolled up

I love this shot of her putting her slip on.

Absolutely stunningly gorgeous!

The groom cleaned up pretty nice too!

On her way to the alter I grabbed this shot. I love this moment.

A few relaxed portraits to end with

Thank you guys for having us there to capture your special day!! We hope you are having a great time on your honeymoon!
Dave - You are an amazing artist! Even after seeing what a beautiful job you did with the engagement photos, I am still stunned at how gorgeous the wedding shots turned out. I must admit that most of the time you were snapping away during the makeup session, I was thinking, "What the heck is he taking pictures of? I don't see anything here that's photo-worthy." Clearly, I was wrong! You have a real knack for capturing the emotion of the event. Thank you so much for documenting this special event for us. - Amity (sister of the bride)
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