Here is a shot upriver from the boat.

We stopped at a remote little lodge called Singing Springs for lunch. It had a great view of the river while we ate.

Be prepared to have hair like this after the tour is over!

And here is a cool video of one of the many spins that took place on the tour.
The tour ended around 4pm and we headed out to continue our trip to our next destination...Monterey and Carmel by the Sea. Since we are taking the coast the entire way we got a chance to go through the Redwoods in Northern California. Check out this view from the Northern California coastline...

A shot of the road we took through the Redwoods.

These things are massive!

Sandy posing for me so you can see how big they are in comparison.

Well that concludes day 5. Tomorrow afternoon we arrive in Carmel/Monterey so be sure to check back for those photos!
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